you can imitate a light like mine
but you cannot become it
but you cannot become it
- rupi kaur, the sun and her flowers

the universe took its time on you
crafted you to offer the world
something different from everyone else
when you doubt
how you were created
you doubt an energy greater than us both
crafted you to offer the world
something different from everyone else
when you doubt
how you were created
you doubt an energy greater than us both
- rupi kaur, the sun and her flowers

is not the time
to be quiet
or make room for you
when we have had no room at all
is our time
to be mouthy
get as loud as we can
to be heard
is not the time
to be quiet
or make room for you
when we have had no room at all
is our time
to be mouthy
get as loud as we can
to be heard
- rupi kaur, the sun and her flowers